Machine Language
Also called machine code.
Machine language is a low-level programming language that controls a processor by instructing it to perform operations: addition, comparison, and data movement.
Machine language is written in binary code, which is made up of 1's and 0's. It's closely related to the hardware and allows for precise control over the computer's operations.
The set of all possible machine language instructions that a given CPU can understand is called an instruction set.
Each instruction is interpreted by the CPU into a command to do a very specific job.
x86 Example
Here is the example to add two number 10 and 20 (10+20) using machine code.
Raw Hex:
Per Instruction:
0: B8 0A 00 00 00
5: BB 14 00 00 00
a: 01 D8
Explanation: move 10 (in hex 0x0A) to eax register(opcode 0xB8) and move 20 (in hex 0x14) to ebx(opcode 0xBB) register, then add eax and ebx register.
NOTE: x86 is a computer architecture for central processing units (CPUs) based on Intel's 8086 microprocessor. It's the most common architecture for personal computers and servers. for more info visit x86 wiki