Assembly Language

Assembly language is a symbolic representation of machine language that humans can understand. its an low level programming language.

x86 Example

Here is the example to add two number 10 and 20 (10+20) using assembly language.

mov     eax, 10
mov     ebx, 20
add     eax, ebx

The equivalent machine code:

0:  B8 0A 00 00 00
5:  BB 14 00 00 00
a:  01 D8

Explanation: move 10 (in hex 0x0A) to eax register(opcode 0xB8) and move 20 (in hex 0x14) to ebx(opcode 0xBB) register, then add eax and ebx register.

NOTE: x86 is a computer architecture for central processing units (CPUs) based on Intel's 8086 microprocessor. It's the most common architecture for personal computers and servers. for more info visit x86 wiki
